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HEXER x Iceland - The closest city to [H]eaven

HEXER x Iceland - The closest city to [H]eaven

January 04, 2018

Blue sky, holy light, magnificent pipe. Smoky night, dancing light, peaceful mind. Clear sight, fashion vibe, HEXers' Eye.


HEXER x Iceland - Lig[H]ts thru Glasses

HEXER x Iceland - Lig[H]ts thru Glasses

December 28, 2017

Art, Structure, Architecture

Art, Structure, HEX Eyewear


HEXER x Iceland

HEXER x Iceland

December 22, 2017

Touching the ice that froze the ancient air from 1000 years ago, with glittering sun shine we need shades to cover but the sunglasses cannot block the beauty of this amazing view.


HEXER x Venice

HEXER x Venice

March 20, 2017 1 回應

From [H]ere, we've started a fascinating journey with all possibilities....
Capture this beautiful world thru fashion eyewear, sunglasses.
