H by HEX
系列: 眼鏡, H by HEX, Made in Taiwan, 男士, New, 光學鏡框, 光學鏡框 & 光學配前掛墨鏡, 女士
Profession : Screenplay Writer - Dalton Trumbo - "One of the disadvantages of being a patrician is that occasionally you're obliged to act like one." Gesture shows... 查看完整細節
職業 : 賭徒 Bet the biggest bet for life, view the best view thru design. 尺寸: 51-19-150 醋酸纖維 / 金屬不鏽鋼 / Made in Taiwan / 職業印於鏡腳內側... 查看完整細節